
Showing posts from August, 2019


The seismic wave field is measured by geophones or hydrophones. The output is electrical signals. The data from the geophones are initially amplified at the preamplifier which is the voltage. It is then passed through an analog low-cut filter. The data are filtered by the analog high-cut filter so that frequencies above Nyquist are removed and then amplified again. Geophones are remarkably simple devices, unlike what you might think. The active element of the device consists of a mass hanging on a spring, like gravity meters. The mass wants to remain motionless when the ground moves. Geophone has been used by geophysicists and seismologists to convert ground movement into voltage. It is a ground motion transducer. The Seismic response is any deviation in this measured voltage from the baseline. It is used for analyzing the earth’s structure. The key factor in a geophone is Resonance frequency. Resonance frequency has to be low for the measurement of low-frequency signa...